8.05. 2024

An integral part of the first days of the summer season is the traditional Klínovec‘s OPENING, which this year took place on May 4, 2024. Although it did not look like a sunny day in the morning, the weather calmed down and we could finally enjoy a great Saturday. The excellent atmosphere accompanied us all day and we were very pleased with the large turnout, without which the whole event would not have had the right vibe. Everything went well and it gave us more energy not only to continue organizing the race, but also to further maintenance and improvement our Trail Park!

Apart from racing and cheering, we enjoyed a great accompanying program, when local DJs (DJ Keduel, DJ Baloo and DJ Kazi&Ori) played all day long and knew very well how to take the whole afternoon and evening to upper a level. The Grill bar at the Jägermeister tent was also not to be missed and you could enjoy delicious burgers, skewers and other specialties. In the evening, we sat together by the fire, roasted some sausages and finished the day with an after party with a great laser show.

Anyone could enter the race for the public in the categories Race, Hobby, Women, Juniors, and Children. Adults, and some younger racers also, competed in the sections of trail Illegal, where the Race, Hobby and Women categories took place. The Kids and Juniors categories moved on to their own track in the afternoon, which was made up of sections of the Baron trail.

The Race category was full of real fighters who have a lot of experience with racing, and it was evident in the results. The riders were separated by seconds and the order changed several times during the race. In the end, Hannes Lehmann was the winner of the “royal” category, with local racer Tomáš Cvinger in the second place and Raphael Weissflog in the third place with a minimal difference.

Men in the Hobby category were definitely not left behind. Local talented winner Lukáš Jánský was able to measure his time with competitors from the Race category. Second place went to Marius Pacht and third place in this category goes to Rick Greiner.

Unfortunately, women did not show up in large numbers this year and after one of the competitors withdrew, Andraina Prapan was the only woman to be ranked. She deserved her first place, however, as her time in the overall results list surpassed many competitors from the male categories.

The juniors raced against each other with the smallest differences in the final times and thanks to that it was a big drama until the very end. The fierce battle between the young bikers was finally won by Filip Langer, second place belonged to Radek Sýkora and third position was taken by Ríša Šimo.

The children in their category also did not have their positions for free and the first two places were not separated by even one second. The first place went to Denis Šulc, the second place went to Mikuláš Smilek and the third place to Adam Vlček.

Congratulations again to all competitors. 👊 Here is a link to the official OPENING website, where you can find the complete results list and also photo gallery.

We were very happy to meet you again after a year, no matter if you are a regular customer or if you were with us for the first time this year. We can’t wait for the next year event, and we hope that you will come to see us also on other days of the summer season.